Summer is Here

No matter whether the first day of Summer has got here or not it is Summer time; at least by the heat we are having here in good ole southwest Missouri. Our temps at our house has been in the mid nineties to near 100 degrees in the early afternoon. I love it.

I do love it; but as I get older it seems the heat does a number on my stamina and energy. I guess that goes with the territory of getting older.

To give an update on things around our house, we are still greatly blessed by our Creator. We also have some new occupants on our place. They are sure busy, busy little guys; and they have stingers. We have a small hive of honey bees and they are fascinating to watch.

I have been mowing around them each time I have mowed the yard, and they never seem to be too annoyed by the mower or me; and I mow right up next to them. I just came in the house a few minutes ago from trimming around them with my battery powered weed eater – it is a 60 volt – and does a great job. Anyway I trimmed around them and they never really bothered me. At first several of them came at me, but I stopped the trimmer and calmly backed away, and when they went on I continued trimming right up next to the hive with no stings.

We helped cook in the kitchen at Baptist Hill for the Barry County Baptist Association Youth Camp June 1 – 4 and had a great time of fellowship with the others who were there helping. Though we had decided not to go back I changed my mind and we will be returning for the Children’s Camp in July.

That is the way things are, on the banks of Flat Creek


June 6th 1944, Adolph Hitlers War Of Terror Is Challenged…

For a reminder of past world events.

Town & Country Gardening

This 6th of June take time out to remember a figure in history seldom thought of by Americans. Dwight D. Eisenhower, a farm boy from the heartland of America, Kansas.

He was the right man for the job at the right time. Eisenhower wasn’t the senior general in Washington, nor did he have many years of experience commanding large armies. He was however an effective leader, administrator and as Commanding General of the European Theater of Operations his political skills were his best asset in managing all the varied allied armies in the war against Hitlers Germany. He would later (1953) be called upon to used those same political skills as President Of The United States.

Seventy nine years ago in the last week of June in 1942 an American from Midwestern farm country arrived in besieged London.

It was a business trip, of sorts. The man’s bosses had…

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Town terrorized by strange creature

Town & Country Gardening

You can’t make this up. To good not to make you smile.

Animal control group from Poland, received a call that an unidentifiable animal was terrorizing the residents of a street in Krakow.

Krakow Animal Welfare Society posted about the incident on Facebook, confirming that a woman called in to report that a “creature” had been terrorizing her neighbors for two days. According to the post, people were afraid to open their windows because an unidentified animal had been lurking in a tree.

When officials arrived on the scene, however, they discovered that there was no chance that the animal was going to enter anyone’s house or pounce on anyone walking underneath the tree.

That’s because the “creature” was actually just a croissant stuck in a tree.

The croissant was removed from the tree without any incident and the pastry’s reign of terror over the neighborhood ended without incident.

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On Living and Dying

I know the title is a bit somber for some. Let’s face it though we are about living. God the Creator, our Creator has given us life, and due to the sin of Adam we are all going to die too.

There is not one person who is exempt from death. None of us guaranteed tomorrow, not even to mention “Next year”, “Next Thanksgiving”, or “Next Christmas”. We don’t even know what the next five minutes will bring our way.

Now do not get me wrong, I am not avowing the thought, “Let us eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die”, but what I am saying is let’s be responsible in living, taking time with family, even the elderly ones, and not fear what this virus might do to us.

I am not just saying this. I do my best to practice this by faith in the One who made me, saved me, and gives me life. My family and I have decided to continue living without the fear which has been promoted and false accusations of someone not loving others because we choose to meet together and do not wear mask, is plumb unloving in itself.

I have also determined not to be swayed by the supposed guilt others would lay on me. I have enough guilt of my own to deal with.

Anyway, let’s get on with life; and I am speaking more to Bible believing Christians here. Death is not a friend, but our last enemy that shall be destroyed, so we are not to fear it for ourselves or our loved ones.

Here is what I practice through this ordeal: I keep my distance from others in public places; when I cough or sneeze I do it into my shoulder or elbow or cover my face with my hand; I frequently wash my hands as well with soap and water. By the way, I have no intention of getting vaccinated either; I have also never taken a flu shot. I don’t plan on getting one.

The reason I have not gotten the flu is because of the good Lord, His hand of protection, and if I do get sick He heals me because He is the Great Physician.

I grieve with those who have lost loved ones due to the virus, and thankful for all of those who have recovered and are currently recovering. Have you noticed what the recovery rate is? Just a thought.

Let us rejoice in the Lord always and always be thankful for our health, the things and the wealth He has blessed us with. By the way I did not use the word “Wealthy” there; we all have wealth if we stop and look and think about it.

Do not be so afraid to die, that you’re afraid to live for His glory.

That is my thoughts from the banks of Flat Creek,


That Party plus Another

The birthday party scheduled for August the 8th was a  huge success. It went ahead as scheduled; and I believe Addyson was pleased as well as her friends and guest. The traveled, by walking and wading in the creek, and even got out of sight far from  the rest of us. These were city girls.

The “Plus” in the title is that just this past Saturday we had another Birthday Party down at the swimming hole. Our granddaughter Caitlyn turned 17 and had several of her friends from church celebrate with her. These were older and more aggressive youth, and they had much fun too.

No! I did not get in the creek either time, though due to the heat along with the humidity it might have seemed like a good idea.

It is always good to get together with family and friends.

And that is the way it is on the banks of Flat Creek.


Mowing in the rain

Today is a special Birthday party for a special granddaughter. She is planning on having it down at our family swimming hole; the Whirl Hole. That could be a little in doubt now though, due to some rain.

I went down to mow, because it has been over a month since it was mowed.  When I got started mowing it started sprinkling and as I mowed it came down progressively harder. I was soaked when I got to the house.

I kept mowing until I got a fairly large enough space for a party, and access to the Creek for swimming.

We have not heard for our daughter Monica; if it is still a go. Addyson will surely be disappointed if it is rained out for the Creek.

Even if it is raining I am sure she will enjoy the meal at Flat Creek in Republic.

Happy Birthday to Addyson Worley  14 years old.

Just A Thought 04/16/09

Broken Pieces

Jesus, And The NRA

There is quite a bit of talk about firearms and whether we should regulate them, or even ban them.  I got to thinking about how would Jesus respond to the idea of firearms, and it came to mind that the weapon of Jesus’s day was the sword.

At one point in the ministry of Jesus He gave commandment for His disciples to get a sword;

” Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” Luke 22:36 (KJV)

We have Christian and non-Christian alike arguing against having handguns, or arguing for having them.  In the United States of America it is the right of every American; except for former prison inmates; to keep and bear arms.  The Second amendment of the…

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Having Blue Eyes makes you special

I like this post from Town and Country, because I have blue eyes too.

Town & Country Gardening

Everyone with blue eyes has a common ancestor.
Only 8 to 10 percent of the worlds population have blue eyes and we are all related to one another due to our 1 common ancestor so long ago.

Blue eyes stem from a single gene mutation about 6,000-10,000 years ago. This means that back then, one person had a faulty gene that did not produce melanin in the iris.

Blue eyed people are more sensitive to light. (Welcome to my world). Just the same way that skin can get damaged by sunlight, so can eyes. The less melanin you have in your eyes, the more kinds of light can get in, and do more damage; brown eyes block more of the harmful UV rays.
People with blue eyes should be extra careful and use sunglasses whenever possible. For the same reason, blue eyed people have more eye problems associated with screen…

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Coronavirus aka Covid-19 virus aka Chinese virus

Town & Country Gardening

It seems that the American news media does not want to do their home work and tell you the whole story about previous pandemics occurring in the past 100 years.

1968 – 1969 * Hong Kong flu also known as 1968 flu pandemic was a flu pandemic whose outbreak in 1968 and 1969 killed an estimated one to four million people globally.
This outbreak actually began in mainland China before spreading to Hong Kong.

1957 – 1958 * Asian flu, originated in Guizhou, China.
This pandemic caused two to four million deaths worldwide.

1918 – 1919 * Spanish flu, The death toll is estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.
Historical and epidemiological data are inadequate to identify with certainty the pandemic’s country of origin.

It should be noted…

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It Has Been Awhile

Last November 16 was when I shared my last thoughts on this site. I shared one someone else had posted on April 7th, 2020, but nothing of my own.

Since about March 16 of this year things have really gone crazy, we have had quite the adventure; unlike anything I have ever seen. I have not heard of this nation being shut down due to anything. I know about the “Great Depression”, but things were shut down because of other things, and people could still get out and work.

There have been worse sicknesses, and viruses that have hit our Country, and the nation has closed up everything except the government bureaucracies and needed hospitals.

I know, I am like most of you. I am tired of hearing about this stuff.  I prefer to trust my government, but when things like this happens it causes me to ask questions and doubt their intent.

I have no intent of attacking anyone, or trying to get anyone in particular to agree with me.  When government agencies are allowed to continue working; why is it the populace cannot? It seems to me to be more of a power grab, than protecting the people.

How many millions have lost their jobs. Families are hurting, and it  is not the govs responsibility to bail us all out – personally, or business, or State wise.

I pray for all those who have gotten ill from COVID-19 to get well and for full recovery. For family who has lost love ones to this enemy, my prayers to Almighty God goes up for you, your comfort, and encouragement.

My last thought is to pastors and churches it seems we have given cause for those who are out for a power grab, to make a precedent for this time, and who knows what it will be next. God our Creator has it in His hands.

O, by the way. The Church of which I am pastor has not closed its doors.  We have been meeting every Sunday regular services; except one Sunday night that was scheduled anyway. God has blessed. It was because I had no clear direction otherwise.

From the banks of Flat Creek,


Convid-19 sanitize your smartphone

Town & Country Gardening

Fun facts and DIY projects.

Sanitize your smartphone.
First thing to do is using hot soapy water and steel wool scrub your phone carefully to remove virus germs.
Rinse under hot running tap water.

Second step, remove battery, place your smartphone in a glass or stainless steel container and cover with 95% percent Isopropyl Alcohol. Allow to set undisturbed for 45 minutes or more. Be sure the phone is covered with Isopropyl Alcohol.
Remove after 45 minutes or more sanitizing time. Dry well before replacing battery.

🙂 No other actions are necessary to insure you will not be infected by a dirty smartphone.

Happy undisturbed Gardening

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The Month of Thanksgiving – Sixteenth

Today I am thankful for our fifth born child, third born son James. James was born in November of 1982 in Aurora, MO.

James is married to the lovely Amber. They live in Mount Vernon, MO. and they are happy pet owners to a couple of big dogs.

James and Amber for for a business in Aurora taking care of other people, and their needs. James is a loving, kind, tender, and caring man; as is Amber.

James knows the Lord as does Amber.  I thank the Lord for James everyday; and I am very thankful that the good Lord gave him to us.

Thankful from the banks of Flat Creek,


The Month of Thanksgiving – Fifteenth

On this the fifteenth day of November  2019 I am thankful for our fourth born child, our second son Philip.

Philip was born in  Springfield as was the first and the third child.  He is married to  lovely young woman name of Sarah Joyce; and they have three beautiful daughters. They live in the State of Arkansas, the town of Booneville.

He is the pastor of at least one church, and has his own business as a financial adviser. He loves God in His Son Jesus Christ, His wife, and their three daughters.

So Lord, I do thank You for giving him to Madge and I, and thank You for the great things he has brought into our lives.

Thankful from the banks of Flat Creek,


The Month of Thanksgiving – Fourteenth

I am thankful today for my third born child, who is our firstborn son.

Timothy named after me for his first name, and my Dad Mike for his middle name. He was born in Springfield, MO in 1979.  It was such a joy for Madge and I to be blessed with a son.

Timothy has a wonderful wife Sarah, and they have four wonderful children; Naomi, Josiah, Eli, and Lydia. Timothy is the pastor of the Baptist Church in Stott’s City, MO, and is employed by Baptist Hill Campgrounds near Mount Vernon.

Timothy, Sarah, and our grandkids are truly a blessing from the Lord and we are thankful for them, their love for each other and their children; and also the love and respect they give Madge and me.

Thankful from the banks of Flat Creek,


The Month of Thanksgiving – 13

Today I will be thankful for our second born child and daughter, Monica.  Monica was born in the cold and icy month of January 1977 at the Baptist Hospital in Louisville, KY. She was born while I was a student at Boyce Bible School, part of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Monica is a great daughter, mild mannered, loving, and kind.  She is married to a fine man by the name of Sam. Monica and Sam are hard working, and devoted to one another and the care of their two children Addyson and AlexZander. They also have a great love and respect for Madge and I; and Sam’s mother Kathy too.

I am thankful to the Lord that I was and I still am blessed to have such a daughter, and her fine family.

Thankful from the banks of Flat Creek


The Month of Thanksgiving – 12

I am thankful for each of Madge’s and my children who have grown into fine, strong, respectable adults. Today I will begin with our first born.

We named her Charity when she was born, because the name means “love” especially godly love.  That name is fit for her still.

I am thankful for her because she is my daughter, because of her faith in God, through His Son Jesus Christ, and she also loves her family, and has been strong, faithful, and loving in being a wife to her husband Paul; and a strong and loving mother to her three children – our grandchildren; Rachelle, Jonathan, and Caitlyn.

I am thankful for the Lord’s goodness in watching over her through the years; and especially these last two years.

Thank You Lord for Charity and her family.

The Month of Thanksgiving – 11

On this 11th day of the month of Thanksgiving I am thankful for my wife Madge.  She has loved me, stood by me through thick and thin, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health as she is an encouragement to me.

For over forty six years she has tolerated me when I was very unloving, or unkind to her. I love her more than my own life, and I thank our Creator for her every day.

Thankful from the banks of Flat Creek,


The Month of Thanksgiving – 8, 9, & 10

I am thankful that I remembered today. For some reason I neglected to give a thanks for the 8th and the 9th; so I will include them today.

For Friday November the 8th I am thankful for the sunshine, and its warmth for the day, for our well, and that I was able to tend its need, which I had overlooked for some time.

For Saturday November the 9th I am thankful for the day Madge and I spent together going to the Queen City of the Ozarks, seeing both daughters, getting a couple of beds for our bedrooms, the visit with Larry and Margaret; and the beautiful drive home through Ozark, Highlandville, Abesville, Galena, and through Wheelerville, and on home. It is a wonderful drive through God’s country and country side.

Today, Sunday November 10, It is Veteran’s Day for remembering all who have signed that blank check even to the giving of their lives if necessary; thankful for all the sacrifices they have made for our Nation.

Thankful for the Lord’s work in my life and for His work in all our lives.  God is good, great, awesome, and glorious. He is worthy of all praise and thanksgiving.

Thankful from the banks of Flat Creek,


The Month of Thanksgiving – 7

It is so easy to complain; but when you are given a grateful heart from the Lord you will be a grateful and thankful person.

The reason for the above statement is that there are times I can so easily find something to complain about; and complaining is the opposite of thankfulness.

I am thankful for the things God has given me in which I can be thankful. Thankfulness even in a time of great pain, sorrow, grief, or fear is only a gift from God.

So I am thankful for thankfulness.

Thankful from the banks of Flat Creek,


The Month of Thanksgiving – 6

Today I am thankful for the Creator’s provision.  Without getting into the details of it I just thank Him for providing a need for today though His gracious hand.

I am also thankful for the rain He provides for our farmers, and everyone, and everything that needs water.

Thankful from the banks of Flat Creek,
